Yesterday as I was walking to the hospital I saw something that struck me as really funny: a faded black T-shirt that said “Try our new Spicy Chicken at Church’s Chicken!” I thought to myself, "Do Africans have the same affinity to Church’s chicken that my fellow residents of Memphis do? Is it something inherent in the DNA of Africans?" Then I thought to myself, “Didn’t Church’s release spicy chicken like 15-20 years ago?”
I talked to Helen about this. Remember those Dayglo, Stussy, and United Colors of Benton t-shirts you used to wear back in the 1980s? This is where they end up. Most residents of our hospital compound wear 2nd or 3rd hand clothes that were donated from parishioners. I am eagerly awaiting the day I see some hammer pants.
I talked to Helen about this and she said, “You know when a sports team wins a major sporting event, they have t-shirts already ready for the champions to wear?” I nodded my head in approval. “Well, this is where the t-shirts for the losing teams end up”. So if in the back of your mind you wonder, “What would the world look like if Kurt Warner had a better arm against the Steelers?” All you need to do is come to Kenya. I myself am on the lookout for a “Cubs World Series” T-shirt-which of course would signify the end of the Bill Goat Curse and the beginning of the End Times.
Here’s to keeping it FASHIONABLE, Kenya!
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