To this day, we don’t know what happened when he went to the witch doctor and they cut on his head. When he left the hospital over a week ago, he looked great and felt great. I was surprised to see him back in the wards after an overnight admission. The report done by the clinical officer (which is a medical personnel that is trained to function like a M.D.) was not clear as far as the reason for admission. It turns out since Samson left, he has had 3 grand mal seizures for the first time in his life. When we looked at him yesterday, we saw papilledema in his eyes which means he has some increased intracranial pressure and was pressing on his optic nerves. In layman’s terms, he has something compressing is brain causing him to have seizures.
We stressed to the parents that he needed to go to Kisumu to get a CT scan (which is about 20-30 miles away) and they refused. Today poor Samson was seeing double and we were not going to let him sit around here without a diagnosis. We wrote transfer papers and discharged him, but it’s up to the parents now to bring him to the hospital. Dr. Hardison and I talked about this afterwards. Apparently it’s not uncommon for the family to say they will bring the patient to a higher level of care facility but end up taking them home. If Samson doesn’t get a CT and figure out what’s going on and get intervention, he could continue to have worsening seizures, lose his vision, or worse. We have no idea what the witch doctor did to Samson or what those 3 incisions on his head were from, but I pray he is able to undo the curse put on him.
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