Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday!

... just a note to let you know that we all miss you and hope you're having the best Kenyan birthday you'll ever have ;)

Love you!

Bethany & Friends


  1. Happy Birthday, goober! Knock back a few Tuskers for me! (rofl, chalk THAT up on the list of phrases I never thought I would be saying).

    Other than that, I think the card sums things up pretty well. Make sure you scar them as badly as you scarred me. Scandalous!

    - Adam

  2. Dan I hope you have a terrific birthday!!

  3. Have a great birthday! We love you and are very proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad

  4. Heri ya Siku kuu! Happy Birthday, Dan!

  5. Happy Birthday! I was out last night with Bethany and she mentioned what you were up to and that today's the big day for you! Hope you had a good one as by now night is falling there. Kris
