Saturday, January 14, 2012

I am the 99 cent Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger

A few days ago, I got fed up with people reposting photos from the "We are the 99 percent" tumblr. While some of these stories have merit (mainly those with hopeful messages), the vast majority are sob stories meant to get attention.

Let's review

1) Almost all pictures are taken in front of a computer screen, in a living space with electricity, and with some kind of digital camera.
2) Nearly everyone claims to be destitute despite this. So much so, that they can't pay their medical bills or student loans
3)If you don't think you can pay off your student loans, don't take the gamble of going to college. You don't HAVE to have a crappy job to act as some cog in society, I can carry out my own pizza.
4)The whole movement reminds me of the "I am 99x" advertisements from 10 years ago
I am 99x
5)It reminds me more of actual destitute people who for decades have allowed themselves to be photographed for western photographers as a plea for help

I created this satire as a response you can share on your own facebook walls. Please share it with as many people as possible.